I received the
following email and photos from Sharon Kirkman and Amy Kulp. I feel that all who have contributed to this website
should feel honored to have our material featured in a "World TB Day' display.
Sharon can be
reached at sharonk@co.skagit.wa.us
Subject: Thank you so much!
Date: Jun 7, 2011 4:15 PM
Hi, I would like to introduce ourselves to you. I am Sharon Kirkman (the tall
one in the pictures) and Amy Kulp. We both work in the Tuberculosis Control Program at Skagit County Public Health Department
in Mount Vernon, Washington (located about 60 miles North of Seattle, Washington).
Each year we do a different theme for our World TB Day display (March 24 is always World TB
Day). We were so impressed with your story and your website that this year we decided this would be our display for
2011. We displayed it for a little over one month starting on March 24. The comments from individuals were just
as we thought they would be – “What a wonderful, interesting story and history of a TB Sanitarium.”
I have been working in the Skagit County TB Program since 1981 (30 years) and without someone like you recalling and documenting
life, as it was in the TB Sanitariums, this part of history will eventually be lost to all. As it is with our local
TB sanitarium – all we have is just a picture on our wall in our office as it is no more (dismantled in 1966) and all
the TB residents have since passed on so no history, no anything and oh how sad.
We do want to thank you so much for creating your website and sharing your wonderful story with everyone.
Keep up the good work, it is so appreciated by more than just the people who were there at Cresson Sanitarium.