"A Bunch Of Friends" (Aug.
20 1929)
I had a bunch of friends once I thought them friends you see. And since I've
found them all out There's not much left for me.
It must be nice to have friends You'll know the kind I mean, Not these that
talk behind your back Or laugh when they're unseen.
A bunch of friends I called my gang I loved them all and now I've a sickness
that is no disgrace And they don't come around somehow.
I guess they're all afraid of me But they'll all get their due. They may be sick
themselves someday Then guess what I will do?
I'll go to see them everyone, As tho' things
never happened, And say, "I hope you'll soon be well" But I guess it's time you're nappen.
So I'll be on my way, my dear, But I'll
expect a letter, To tell me how you get along And if you're feeling better.
I'm glad I had that sickness For I know now what to do I'll just forget the old friends And hunt a bunch of new.
But I
guess they think that this time Will never, never be. Because they say it's dangerous When a person has T.B.
Jennie Graham, Boston Extension Road. August 20, 1929
2. The location and date of this photo of Jennie Graham is not
1. Jennie's peom as it appeared when published in the newspaper
on August 20, 1929.
3. (Upper Photo) Donna Vickodil and her Aunt Goldie (Jennie's baby sister and the
last one of the Graham's left.)
(Lower Photo) The grave marker of Jennie and her parents, Robert and
Belle Graham.
5. An entry made in Jennie's Bible following her death
reads as follows:
Jennie was taken to the hospital on the 16th day of Jan 1930 and was fetched home on the 14th
day of Feb 1930 died on the 23rd of Feb and was buried on the 26th 1930 from Boston Church. Sang "Good night here
and good morning up there", "Gates ajar" and "Inside the eastern gate". Was born in Elizabeth,
Pa on 17th day of Dec year 1910.