1. The main gate into the SCI Cresson facility.
3. The rear of Grace Chapel and balcony. Most of my interview
for PBS Station WQED was taped in the chapel.
5. The altar area with commumion rail.
7. Left to Right: Adam Beck, Accountant, Chuck Felton, Rebecca
Reifer, Superintendent Assistant and Kirk Bearjar, Lieutenant.
9. An organizational chart of the san staff on display at the prison.
It lists each person by name and gives their yearly salary. The Medical Director was Dr. Thomas Stites, placing the
chart in the years beween 1923 to 1935. Dr. Stites was paid $4,250 a year salary.
2. Heading down the road to the parking lot.
4. A side view. The chapel has been maintained in its original
6. Chuck Felton with WQED cameraman Paul Ruggeri and producer David
8. Children's House still maintains its original appearance.
10. An aerial photo of the san on display at the prison.