3. Outside of wallet made for Nurse Helen Jones in 1962.
5. Front of key ring made by ????.
7. This wallet has Skip Shrader's name on the right outside.
The left side features a truck with the words "Eastern Ex", the company Skip worked for when he was diagnosed with
9. Two flip open coin purses.
11. White and yellow plastic loop belt.
13. I saw many of these dolls during my year in the ward,
all made by men.
15. Two views of a painting of Grace Chapel by Davis (Davie)
Gibboney who was a baker at the san for many years. Tho physically handicapped, Gibboney was successful at baking
and painting, which was self taught.
17. Ceramic figurine given to Nurse Helen Jones when she left
the san in 1962.
4. Inside of Helen Jones wallet.
8. The inside of Skip's wallet features a shield with
an "S" on it and a bird above it.
10. Two wrist coin purses.
12. Jewelry, probably earrings.
14. The dolls were all unique with different colors and
16. A close-up of the painting.