1. Male patient receiving pneumothorax in his side from Dr. Cramer.
3. Blood Smear Differentials
L to R LaBelle Stankard, James Billis, Alvin Wilson, Esther Eberle
5. X-ray Reading. The top left x-rays show the
patient has had a lung removed. We were x-rayed once a month to check our progress. L to R Dr.
James I. Borland, Joseph Hajdu, Radiology Technician. (Dr Borland
was my doctor in 1955, Chuck Felton)
7. Patients store located near the dining room. The woman on
the left is Mrs. Inez Wilson, a patient on meals who worked in the store in 1945. (By 1956, when I made meals and
worked in the store for 3 hours each morning as part of my rehab, she was the store manager and my boss. Chuck Felton)
9. The san closed circuit radio station, WSAN, located
in the basement. A microphone, turntable and some records were pretty much it. The person in the photo is Chuck
Latta of Youngwood, Pa. However, Chuck Felton had this same broadcast job in 1956 and Ron Nowicki did the honors in
11. Dr. Harry W. Weest (left) with two visitors from Washington, DC. The following
item appeared in the American Journal of Pub lic Health in Oct 1945:
Governor Edward Martin of Pennsylvania announced on August 20 that Lt. Col. Harry
WV. Weest, former Chief Surgeon of the 28th Division,
U. S. Army, has been appointed State Secretary
of Health, succeeding A. H. Stewart, AI.D., of Indiana, Pa., who died July 31. Dr. Weest. whose home is in Altoona, has been associated with the Governor in
military circles since 1922. He is a graduate in
medicine of Jefferson Medical College in 1919 and,
except for his war service, has practised medicine
in Altoona.
(Note: Dr Weest served as Secretary of Health from 1945-1947.)
Dr Weest, in his position as Chief Surgeon of the 28th Division, U. S. Army,
had a connection with a famous military execution.
Edward Donald Slovik (February
18, 1920 – January 31, 1945) was a private in the US Army during WW2 and the only American soldier to be executed for
desertion since the American Civil War. Slovik was assigned to Company G of the 109th Infantry Regiment, US
28th Infantry Division. He refused to fight in the line and was executed for desertion.
Weest was one of the doctors consulted about the Slovik case. His testimony regarding the case is documented in the
following book:
The Execution of Private Slovik
by William Bradford Huie
2. Female patient receiving pneumothorax from Dr. Giovini Fusco.
4. Dental Office Dr. C. E. Provan
6. Typical ward setup consisted of a bed, table & chair for
each patient. The wooden partitions afforded minimal sense of privacy. The san had a library and sent the
book mobile through the wards once a week. I believe that is Mr Janis Kreicbergs the librarian on the right.
8. Patients watching a movie in the theater. Local high school
students often put on their class plays for the entertainment of the patients.
10. Sputum & Urinalysis Tests
Our sputem was tested each month for presence of TB bacillus.
L to R George Elder, Esther Eberle,
Alvin Wilson, LaBelle Stankard
12. L to R: Mr. Richard Acciavatti, Director of Vocational Rehabilitation,
Dr. Harry W. Weest, Medical Director and an unidetified visitor from Washington, DC.
13. All three people in this photo are unidentified. |