1. The kitchen area all stainless steel.
3. The staff kitchen.
At left with chef hat is Billy Fisher. The three women partially hidden in the background
are (l to r): Eleanor Adams, Mary Lynch and Unknown. The three women in the foreground are (l to r):
Anna Marie West, Josephine Stasick and Ann Anderson. Ann Anderson's husband was a patient at the san.
5. The san version of meals on wheels. Carts loaded with food
trays ready for delivery.
7. The man at the left is unknown. however, the next three men,
l to r, are Vic Vermeulen, Paul McCarty and Leo Vermeulen. Leo & Vic were brothers and head chefs.
9. Nobody went hungry at the san! Gaining weight was a sign
of improved health.
11. Another view of the patients chow line. (I spent time in
the ward with the elderly gentleman at the left of the photo. Chuck Felton)
13. This photo and the one at right show the Staff Dining Room where
the doctors, nurses and secretaries took their meals
15. A food serving station located in the ward, not the kitchen area.
At the right is Ruth Glass, RN.
The above photos was sent to me by Dorothy Smay who worked in the
kitchen. Shown are Dr. Weest and Dietitian Miss Mabel Whitaker at her going-away ceremony in 1958. Miss Whitaker
was leaving the san to work at the Ebensburg State Facility for the mentally
2. l to r: Wilda Smeltzer, Aggie Arnold & Miss McCann
the dietitian. (I remember all three of them. Chuck Felton)
4. The kitchen area. Tile floors for easy cleanup. Coffee
pots at left.
6. Harold Bradley is at the left at the coffee machine. The
man in the background with the tall chef's hat just to the right of the white pole is Leo Vermeulen.
8. L to r: Unknown, John Solomon, Leo Vermeulen with tall chef
hat, Unknown, Unknown, Vic Vermeulen.
10. The patients chow line from the serving side.
12. The employee's dining room.
14. Another photo of the staff dining room. Amazing what some
curtains, chair covers and table cloths will do.
16. I don't remember any names, but I knew the male orderly.
He often served us snacks in the evening before we went to bed. |