1. Nellie in 1940 standing outside a San Building in the snow. |
From: Lori Bell-Santek ( lbsantek1955@gmail.com ) Sent: Jul 18, 2014 To: "charlesfelton@earthlink.net"
Subject: Cresson TB San Hello, I am doing research on my family. I think my
mother may have worked at Cresson San when she was 19. She appears in the 1940 census taken at the San
and her occupation is listed as a chambermaid. Do you know what was involved in being a chambermaid there?
There are about 100 people, aged 7 to 79, listed in her household. Did the staff live at Cresson?
I have a picture of my mom outside the San which I will try to send you. My mother
went by the name Nellie Sopchak, but her birth name was Aniela. I
am pretty certain my aunt, her sister Marie, had TB and was in a sanatorium, but I don't think it was Cresson. I think she
was sent to Nankin, MI. which makes no sense because the family was poor and lived in Lilly, PA. She has
another sister Caroline (Clara) who worked at the San too. If possible, would you ask if anybody recalls the name? If anybody has any information
it would be helpful. Thank you for your time,
Lori Bell-Santek
2. Nellie's 1940 census listing showing she was female, white,
19 years old, single and worked at the san as a chambermaid. _______________________________________________________________________________
From: Noreen Kromm ( nkromm@merion-mercy.com ) Sent: Aug 22, 2014 To: Chuck Felton Subject: Re: Cresson/Mont Alto My father George Kromm died of TB in 1948 after having been treated at Mont Alto. Six months
later his son, my brother Gerry, also died of TB at age 1 year 11 months. The next year my aunt Rita Buggy(married
name Kromm) also died of TB at the sans. Her sister Ethel uggy was also a patient there. In the 1950's
my 14 year old sister was diagnosed with TB but was treated at home and cured. Now so many years later (2014)
another family member has been diagnosed with T B, a disease I thought was not a threat any more. So many years have passed but I would love it if anyone who knew my father or my aunt could share any information.
This dreaded disease left my mother a widow at 30 with 5 small children to raise. This recent new diagnosis has
sent the family back to a time we never thought we'd visit again. Are the names Kromm or Buggy familiar to
anyone. It would be like a voice from the past, a connection. Thank you,
Noreen Kromm
(Chuck Felton
Note: It's emails like the one below from Donna Fox that give great encouragement to continue documenting
our san stories. Thanks Donna!)
From: Donna Fox Sent: Sep 8, 2014 Subject: Just watched your story God Bless
you for what you have done for so many people. The reunion must have been so healing to the people that were able to be there.
I was flipping through the channels and there you were! I felt so bad for what you and the others must have gone through.
I live in Ridgway Pa and my grandson went to college at the Mount which I think is in Cresson or that area.
I really have no connection at all to the San but I enjoyed hearing your story. Thank you for the work you put into your website
and the program that taught me so much that I did not know. You really are a man that has done a great service for so many.
Donna Fox dmae208@comcast.net
Cheri Sent: Oct 4, 2014 To: charlesfelton@earthlink.net Subject: Cresson Sanatorium name question
Hello Mr. Felton, I was just wondering, do you know if the Cresson Sanatorium ever went by
any other name? I have a Great Aunt who died of TB on Dec 18, 1917, 13 days short of her 41st birthday. Her name
was Selma Norstrum. I have a couple newspaper clips where she was in and out of the hospital (not the sanatorium).
Her death certificate lists that she died of TB and it says she died in Cambria County PA. and the borough is listed
as Cresson. The death cert says to list the name of the hospital or Institution at which the person died and hers simply
says O.S.C.S. I was assuming she would have been in a sanatorium considering the articles I have
show she had been sick for a while. Do you know if O.S.C.S could have stood for something with the Cresson Sanatorium
in 1917? Any help you can give me or direction you could point me in to maybe figure this out would be
a great help. Thank You, Cheri McPherson highlandlassie@verizon.net
2.0 Selma's Death Certificate |
(Chuck Felton Note: The place of death listed on the above Death
Certificate is Cambria County, Borough of Cresson and, it appears at first glance, at O.S.C.S. However, it is
believed it is really P.S.C.S. standing for Pennsylvania State Cresson Sanatorium. )