As part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the San in 1963, a scrapbook
was donated to the Cresson Area Historical Association, Inc. by Lorraine Ott, a former employee of the San and Cresson
State School & Hospital. The 6-ring scrapbook contained 88 large format pages (16" by 21") containing newspaper
articles and clippings pertaining to the San. The book covers, shown below in Photos 1 & 2, were made of leather
which had been hand tooled. Photo 3 shows the donation page inside the front cover.
The book is almost 50 years old now and some of the newspapers clippings show marked deterioration.
In addition, some of the newsprint is small and/or faded. Therefore, the process to transfer the data to
this website was to first photograph each page with a digital camera at 5MB resolution. The images were then processed
to yield approximately 0.5MB images for this website. These images may be enlarged to make all the print readable.
Because of the large file size per page, the 88 pages have been broken up into groups of 10
to reduce loading time.